Computer support specialist is called help desk specialist too. It is the good position to start as an entry-level in information technology fields. Basically, a help desk specialist solves the hardware problems, software problems, and some communication systems. Sometimes help desk specialist solve the problems in person and sometimes over the telephone. According to the various companies, help desk specialist needs to work evenings, weekends, or part-time
All the business organization no matter small or big that the organization is, they all rely on networks. So, Network Manager is an interesting career in information technology fields. Network Manager usually performs installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network system with the knowledge of local area networks and wide area network. Besides the technology skills, good oral and written communication skills are needed to be a network manager.
Programmer usually designs, writes, and tests the code. It is very important to have adaptable skills from one programming language to another. According to the software industries, the changes of technology will vary. So, the programmer must update their programming skills all the time.
As a new declared computer information technology student, I would like to pursue network manager focus because it is a kind of job mostly related to hardware rather than software. Even though the changes in technology are in both hardware and software, it is much easier to adapt the new hardware than learning the programming.
Shelly, Gary and Misty Vermaat.Discovering Computers. (2010). “Web Developer.” Retrieved July 31, 2010 from
Shelly, Gary and Misty Vermaat.Discovering Computers (2010). “Help Desk Specialist.” Retrieved July 31, 2010 from
Shelly, Gary and Misty Vermaat.Discovering Computers. (2010).” Network Specialist.” Retrieved July 31, 2010 from
Discovering Computers. (2010). “Programmer” Retrieved July 31, 2010 from
By Nicholas Pau