Sunday, May 2, 2010

IE nasepzia hatsak semsem nuam.!

Internet Explorer nasepzia hatsak semsem nuam!
Browser Cache Size
"Cache" i cih pen, Internet i zat sial aa, i web page et te om na, Server pan, Browser Software ten, a ki tangsam "Computer Files" te, a manlang leh, a ol tak aa, zat kik theih zel nang aa, Hard Disk sung ah, mun khat bawl aa, a ong kep sak "Temporary Internet Files" te hi.

Browser Software pawlkhat
Windows Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Google Chrome

A cache (pronounced CASH) is a place to store something temporarily. The files you automatically request by looking at a Web page are stored on your hard disk in a cache subdirectory under the directory for your browser (for example, Internet Explorer). When you return to a page you've recently looked at, the browser can get it from the cache rather than the original server, saving you time and the network the burden of some additional traffic. You can usually vary the size of your cache, depending on your particular browser.

Cache sizes, 100 megabytes sang a tam zaw pen, Computer sung ah mun tam la lua a hih man in, i Computer nespzia ong zekai sak hi. Cache sizes 10 megabytes sang a tawm zaw te lah, "Temporary Internet Files" te, Browser Software ten, ong kepsak nang, a mun ding cing zo lo zel a hih man in, "Network Activity" khan kul in, Computer nasepzia ong thanem sak leuleu hi.

"PC Pitstip Optimize 3.0" cih Registry Cleaner in, connection type tungtawn in, ong puah phat sak thei hi. Tua Software pen, "Full Features" ding, lei kul hi. Tua lo tawh, ei leh ei in zong, a nuai aa bang in, ki "Adjust" thei hi.

1).Internet Explorer hong ding!
2)."Menu bar" tung pan, "Tools" pen mek/Click
3)."Internet Options" pan "General" tab ah
4)."Settings" pen mek/Click.
5)."Disk space to use" cih na mun ah, 10 leh 100 megabytes kikal khat zaw sang khen/type!! eg.40, 50, 99, 100
6)."OK" mek/click.

By Nicholas Pau