Wednesday, March 25, 2009


2009 Muitui Vontawi te thupha san' kum ah, a nungta tawntung,a hoih tawntung van a sang bel aa om i biak Topa Pasian min phat masa hangh.
A ban ah,i san thupha a zeksiam te i suah theih nang zong, Topa tung ah ki ap khawm ciat ni.
Mihing te ngeina, i nuntak sung,i tuah i muh khempeuh peuh kibang kim lo in,pawl khat te daupai diak in, pawlkhat te hamsa diak hi.A hi zong in,Topa'n mimal kim,deidan neilo in, a kibang sitset in, thupha ong piak hi na pi in, leitung silesa tawh, leitung mit tawh, i et tak ciang, i thupha san' te kikim sa kha lo den hi hang..

Hih i leitung mit, leitung ngaihsutna te ong hat semsem tak ciang in, a ki it pipi a ki it lo bang,a it pipi,a itlo bang sak,a ki deihsak pipi a ki deihsaklo bang, a deihsak pipi a deihsak lo bang sak,a ki vei pipi a ki vei lo bang,a vei pipi a vei lo bang sak, a tawpkhak na ah,......?....
Bangbang a hi zong,ki deihsakna te, ki theihsak na in, ki tuat sak kei hamtang ni.

Nasep khat peuhpeuh i kipat theih nang, a masa penpen in, lai i ten hi.Company ten ong deih vua leh Interview ding ong sam hi. Nasep i ngah takpi na ding,tua Face to Face INTERVIEW/Mai-ngat Thukidotna ah,INTERVIEWER/Thudongte te ong dot,hoihtak phatak aa,i dawnkik theih ding thupi masa pen hi.Tua ban ah,i omdan,tutdan, gamtat, luhek aa kipan na thupi lai hi.

Tuni INTERVIEW vai tawh kisai kikupna khat or ki hawpsawnna khat i nei thei diam..?

2002 kum, 1st Yr,UCSY(University of Computer Studies, Yangon), Minor Subject, Technical English, Chapter 5 Human Communication sung aa,Page 112 " What preparations can you make beforehand and what action can you take during the interview to ensure as far as possible a favourable impression? " cih pen kong hawmsawn hi.A dang a theih huai tuamtuam te zong, ki thei beh nuam mahmah a hih man in, ki hawmsawn tek ni.

INTERVIEW,Mai-ngat Thukidotna ding sapna lai or Telephone Call ong tung ta ci leng, bang teng ki ging khol nuam ding na hiam?

Before the interview,Mai-ngat Thukidot ma in

Interview,Mai-ngat Thikidot nang,theihsak na lai pen, limtak in ka sim ding aa, bang ni,Date.? bang za,position ding? a mun,where.? a hun,when.? kua tawh,whom.? cih teng ka zong tel ding hi.

Tua khit teh,interview,mai-ngat thukidot ding ni ah,hi zo mah ning cih, kiciat sakna lai ka khak kik pah ding hi.(ph .etc...)

Nasepvai tawh kisai ka lunglut mahmah na, ka lah theih nang in,tua interview,mai-ngat thukidot ding ong sam Company te thu leh nasep vai ka kan zawh zah in ka kan ding hi.

Ka Document Folder,lai thupi tuamtuam aip sung ah,nasepnop theihsakna lai/Application Letter, ka tangthu/Biodata, pahtawina lai ka neih teng/Certificates, a dang tuamtuam/Documents etc.. te khempeuh ka kiging khol ding hi.A thei,a tel,ka sanggam, ka khupih tuipih, sia/siama, lawmlegual leh a sem ngei te kiang pan, ngaihsut piakna nengneng,ka va ngen ding hi.

Interview,mai-ngat thukidot hun sung teng ah, ong dot theih ding pawl khat, ka dawnkik theih nang, ka kiging khol ding hi.Interview hun ciang, kei lam pan, ka dot theih ding thu pawl khat zong, ka kiging khol ding hi. Gttn..lunglutna lah theih nading ...products/vanbawl, van lei leh a pai sak zai/customer and systems, za khan' theih ding lam et omle omlo,prospects for promotion,khualzin,travel etc.. cih teng peuh...

Interview,mai-ngat thukidot na mun ding, bang cih pai ding leh nai bang zah pai cih zong, ka kan khol ding hi.Ong ciamni in, a hunlap aa, ka tun zawh nang, ka vaihawm ding hi.Puansilh nikten te zong, thupi mahmah a hih man in,ka siangtho sak ding aa, neih sunsun tawh,zumpai kithawi in,ki hi sitset sak ding hingh.(Be dressed Conventionally)

Interview hun tun ma peuh mah in,ka va tun' zawh nang,ka hanciam ding hi.
A piantheih leh,ka mai aa,Interview te bang cih ki dot cih zong, limtak in ka ngai ding hi.

During the interview,Mai-ngat thukidot neih laitak

1.) Tu in, ong ki cih mateng, ka tu kei ding hi.(I would not sit down until invited to do so).
2.) Kiptang tak in ka tu ding aa, ka tu khialkhual kei ding hi.(I would sit upright and not in a sloughed manner).
3.) PK ka khai kei ding aa, za ka tep kei ding hi.(I would not chew gum or smoke).
4.) A kisap hunhun in, aw khum kam-mal zat 'Please' leh 'Thank you' zat ding, phawklo in, ka om kei ding hi.(I would not forget to use the simple 'Please' and 'Thank you' when appropriate.)
5.) Patau'h linglawn-na, hisupsup gamtatzia a hi,a nuai aa te,ka pelh,ka zanghkei hamtang ding hi.
5,a)Nui phulhphulh.(Nervous laughing).
5,b.) Gong pan khaksuah la khia tha pai or Hemnawl thapai.(Recurrent clearing of my throat).
5,c.) Sam lawng thapai or Mit limlang bawl thapai.(Fiddling with hair or glasses).
5,d.) Khe tangsak/lingsak thapai.(Tapping foot)
5,e.) Khut kuai.(Drumming fingers)
5,f.) Tutphah tung pan kiheihei, tu kinken lo.(Moving all the time adjusting position in chair, not sitting still.
6.) Ka om hisiat theih na ding in, damtak in ka pau ding aa,ka thugen te khempeuh ka ngaihsun kawm ding hi.(Slow the pace of speaking.Concentrate on what is being said).
7.) Ka mel suah ka gamtat zia tungtawn pan kimuangna ka neihna te ongdongten(Interviewers)ong mu khia ding hi cih pen ka phawk ding hi.
8.) Migi tak in, ka om ding aa, ka pau ding hi.Gamtatna hoih nei te,kipak ta in,ei leh ei, bang ci dan mi, kua mi kua sa cih,ki lah khiat na hi.(Good manners are a sign of consideration for others and, are important indicators of the sort of person I am.)
9.) Hoihtak leh limtak aa, thu ngai ka hi cih lah theih nang, thuongdong te, ka mit tawh limtak in, ka kizom ding aa, lusing in thukim ding, lunglutna tawh ka en ding aa, thugen te ka bot-tat sak lo ding hi.(Sal lela ding cih na hi lo).(By keeping good eye contact, nodding in agreement, looking interested and keeping the conversation flowing.)
10. )Thu ong kidong te ka dawnkik ma leh ka dawn laitak in,hih a nuai aa te, ka kisit tel ding hi.
10,a.) Ong thudot ka tel takpi mah hiam?(Have I understood the question?)
10,b.) A cihnopna te, ka lungkim,thukim takpi mah ka hiam?(Do I appreciate what it is driving at?)
10,c.) Thudotna sung ah, thang' ong kisiah a om hiam?(Are there any traps or pitfalls in the question?)
10,d.) Dawnkikna kician limtak aa ka pulak theih nang, ka muhngei,tuahngei teng, ka kaikhawm thei diam?(Can I draw on my personal experience to illustrate my answer?)
10,e.) Ka thugengen te a siang mah hiam,a ki tel thei ding aa a gengen mah ka hiam?(Am I speaking clearly and convincingly?)
10,f.) Ong thudot te katawn mah hiam,a ki cing in ka gen mah hiam?(Have I covered the question and said enough?)
11.) Lunglutmahmah leh veina ka neihna ka lak ding hi.
12.) Thudot hun ong piak leh, a dot huai thu hoih te,ka dong ding hi.

Muizawl Momno lai ah,sepna bawlna khempeuh , daupai lawhcin mazang na te paak bang ong palh in, gua bang ong hing den ta hen..

By Nicholas Pau

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Third-Level Domain

Third-Level Domain

Third-level domain names pen Second-level Domain,a nei Company te kiang pan,phal na tawh a ki bawl thuah thei hi in,i zat nopna tungtawn in,ki lam dang hi.web page a hi zong,email a hi zong,web page khen neu khat a hi zong,a tuamtuam in,ki bawl thuah thei website pan,na min tawh,personal website na bawl nop leh ki ngah aa,web address pen, cih bang aa,ong suak ding hi.A nuai aa ”www”,”mail”,”groups” te pen Third-level domain name hi pah hi.
(,, domain khit teh, fourth -level leh a tung siah zong ki bawl thei lai in,sub-domain zong ki ci hi.

Country Domain

Leitung gam khempeuh in,a mau gam min (a tom lak),domain min nei tek uh hi. , “ mm” pen Country Domain name(min) hi in,Myanmar(Kawlgam) a cih na hi.Leitungbup aa gam khempeuh Country Domain ,alphabetically in,a nuai aa bang hi.

List of Country Domain

Country Domain Gam Min
.ac Ascension Island
.ad Andorra
.ae United Arab Emirates
.af Afghanistan
.ag Antigua and Barbuda
.ai Anguilla
.al Albania
.am Armenia
.an Netherlands Antilles
.ao Angola
.aq Antarctica
.ar Argentina
.as American Samoa
.at Austria
.au Australia
.aw Aruba
.ax Aland Islands
.az Azerbaijan

.ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
.bb Barbados
.bd Bangladesh
.be Belgium
.bf Burkina Faso
.bg Bulgaria
.bh Bahrain
.bi Burundi
.bj Benin
.bm Bermuda
.bn Brunei
.bo Bolivia
.br Brazil
.bs Bahamas
.bt Bhutan
.bw Botswana
.by Belarus
.bz Belize

.ca Canada
.cc Cocos(Keeling( Islands
.cd Democratic Republic of the Congo
.cf Central African Republic
.ch Switzerland
.ci Cote D'Ivoire(Ivory Cost)
.ck Cook Islands
.cl Chile
.cm Cameroon
.cn China
.co Colombia
.cr Costa Rica
.cs Serbia and Montenegro
.cu Cuba
.cv Christmas Island
.cy Cyprus
.cz Czech Republic

.de Germany
.du Djibouti
.dk Denmark
.dm Dominica
.do Dominican Republic
.dz Algeria

.ec Ecuador
.ee Estonia
.eg Egypt
.eh Western Sahara
.er Eritrea
.es Spain
.et Ethiopia
.eu European Union

fi Finland
.fj Fiji
.fk Falkland Islands
.fm Federated States of Micrones
.fo Faroe Islands
.fr France

.ga Gabon
.gd Grenada
.ge Georgia
.gf French Guiana
.gg Guernsey
.gh Ghana
.gi Gibraltar
.gl Greeland
.gm Gambia
.gn Guinea
.gp Guadeloupe
.gr Greece
.gs South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
.gt Guatemala
.gu Guam
.gw Guinea-Bissau
.gy Guyana

.hk Hong Kong
.hm Heard Island and McDonald Islands
.hn Honduras
.hr Croatia
.ht Haiti
.hu Hungary

.id Indonesia
.ie Ireland
.il Israel
.im Isle of Man
.in India
.io British Indian Ocean Territory
.iq Iraq
.ir Iran
.is Iceland
.it Italy

.je Jersey
.jm Jamaica
.jo Jordan
.jp Japan

.ke Kenya
.kg Kyrgyzstan
.kh Combodia
.ki Kiribati
.km Comoros
.kn Saint Kitts and Nevis
.kr South Korea
.kw Kuwait
.ky Cayman Islands
.kz Kazakhstan

.la Laos
.lb Lebanon
.lc Saint Lucia
.li Liechtenstein
.lk Sri Lanka
.lr Liberia
.ls Lesotho
.lt Lithuania
.lu Latvia
.ly Libya

.ma Morocco
.mc Monaco
.md Moldova
.me Montenegro
.mg Madagascar
.mh Marshall Islands
.mk Republic of Macedonia
.ml Mali
.mm Myanmar
.mn Mongolia
.mo Macau
.mp Northern Mariana Islands
.mq Martinique
.mr Mauritania
.ms Montserrat
.mt Malta
.mu Mauritius
.mv Maldives
.mw Malawi
.mx Mexico
.my Malaysia
.mz Mozambique

.na Namibia
.nc New Caledonia
.ne Niger
.nf Norfolk Island
.ng Nigeria
.ni Nicaragua
.nl Netherlands
.no Norway
.np Nepal
.nr Nauru
.nu Niue
.nz New Zealand

.om Oman

.pa Panama
.pe Peru
.pf French Polynesia
.pg Papua New Guinea
.ph Phillipines
.pk Pakistan
.pl Poland
.pm Saint Pierre and Miquelon
.pn Pitcairn Islands
.pr Puerto Rico
.ps Palestinian territories
.pt Portugal
.pw Palau
.py Paraguay

qa Qatar

.re Reunion
.ro Romania
.rs Serbia
.ru Russia
.rw Rwanda

.sa Saudi Arabia
.sb Solomon Islands
.sc Seychelles
.sd Sudan
.se Sweden
.sg Singapore
.sh Saint Helena
.si Slovenia
.sk Slovakia
.sl Sierra Leone
.sm San Marino
.sn Senegal
.so Somalia
.sr Suriname
.st Sao Tome and Principe
.su Soviet Union
.sv El Salvador
.sy Syria
.sz Swaziland

.tc Turks and Caicos Islands
.td Chad
.tf French Southern Territories
.tg Togo
.th Thailand
.tj Tajikistan
.tk Tokelau
.tl East Timor
.tm Turkemenistan
.tn Tunisia
.to Tonga
.tr Turkey
.tt Trinidad and Tobago
.tv Tuvalu
.tw Republic of China(Taiwan)
.tz Tanzania

.ua Ukraine
.ug Uganda
.uk United Kingdom
.um United States Minor Outlying Islands
.us United States
.uy Uruguay
.uz Uzbekistan

.va Vatican City
.vc Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
.ve Venezuela
.vg British Virgin Islands
.vi United States Virgin Islands
.vn Vietnam
.vu Vanuatu

.wf Wallis and Futuna
.ws Samoa

.ye Yemen
.yt Mayotte
.yu Yugoslavia

.za South Africa
.zm Zambia
.zw Zimbabwe

By Nicholas Pau

Internet for Beginner

Mihing te ii nuntakna ah,Computer leh Internet in mun ong la mahmah ta aa,mun khempeuh ah,Computer leh Internet zat dan ,theih loh a pha mawh thu khat in ong om ta hi.A hi zong in,mi tampi'n ,Internet pen,email lai-at/lai-khak nading ciang bek in,ngaihsun a hih man in, Internet ii thupi't na tampi a ki sup lawh hi.

Tua a hih man in,Internet ong pian' khiatna thu,a tom in,i theih khit teh,Internet picing tak aa, ii zat theih nading leh a zangh-siam te ih hih theih nading ki kum leuleu ni....

Amasa penpen in,Internet picing tak aa,ii zat theih nading van(Software) kisam pawl khat om aa,tua te lo tawh Internet ii zat dan picing thei lo hi.

Equipment Checklist(A kisam teng)

1.Computer and Internet Connection
2.Internet account with a connection provider
3.Internet browser software
4.Anti-virus software
5.Email software
6.Plug-in software
7.Optional: Stero speakers, microphone and webcam
8.Optional: Anti-spam software
10.Optional: Printer

Computer and Internet Connection
I theih sa tek mah bangin,Internet ii et theih nang,a masa penpen in,Computer leh Network Connection(kizopna) kisam hi.Internet Connection pen Dial up,Broadband cih bang in om hi.Internet Cafe pan bel,i zat man,a nai tawh kipia in,ut tan vei leh zawh tan vei ki zangh thei hi.

Internet account with a Connection Provider
ISP(Internet Service Provider) zong ki ci hi.Gam sung ah,Myanmar Teleport(Bagan Cybertech) ten Internet service tuamtuam pia hi.Gampua lam ah, phone leh cable companies ten service pia aa, a kha in sum la uh hi.Gam khangto' zawdiak aa,Restaurant leh Hotel mun thupi ten,”Free Wifi” ci'n,a mau Customer(a ne a dawn,a giak) te ading service pia tuam uh hi.

Internet Browser Software
Internet Explorer(IE) ki zang pi pen in,version 6 dong om ta hi.Mozilla Firefox zong ki zang mahmah ta hi.Tua ban ah,AOL, Opera,Netscape cih te pen,a ki thei kim nai lo Browser Software pawl khat hi.

Anti-Virus Software
Computer khuak(brain) a su sia zo,a ki lawh thei natna(virus) tuam tuam te Internet tun pan a hih kei leh natna(virus) a om sa Computer pan Floppy,pendrive(memory stick),CD, cih te I zatna pan in ki ngah thei hi.Hih natna kidal nading in,Anti-virus software om aa,Symantec/Norton leh McAffee te hoih pen in,muanhuai pen hi.

Email Software
Microsost Outlook,Outlook Express,Eudora, Groupwise cih te pen mail Server tawh a ki zom Email software te hi.Tua te sang',Web mail(yahoo,gmail,hotmail etc..) te lem pen a hih man in,ki tam zat zaw hi.

Plug-in Software
Internet pan movies & animation tuamtuam et theih nading,music(la) tuamtuam ngaih theih nading leh ebooks(laituamtuam) sim theih nading,games(om-maih)theih nading in,hih plug-in Sofware te kisam mahmah hi.

What Plug-in I should have?(Bang teng neih huai)
1.PDF format(.pdf files)tawh a ki bawl/save lai thupi(files) te sim nading in,Adobe Acrobat Reader ki sam hi.Computer tawh a kisim laibu(ebooks) a tam zaw, PDF format vive hi. Internet pan latest Version(a hoih pen)a nuai aa,web address ah ki download(la-suk) thei hi.

2.Game(om-maihna)tuamtuam te tawh,Internet a zangh nuam te ading in,Java Virtual Machine kisam hi.Hih online Game te pen,Java Applets a kici Computer te teltheih kampau/lai(programming language) tawh a ki-at/bawl Software nam hi.Internet tung pan,na Computer ah,a nuai aa, web address pan, ki download(la-suk) thei hi.

3.SWF Format(.swf files)tawh a kibawl online Movies(Mel-muh-tong-san) tuamtuam te et theih nading Macromedia Flash Player kisam hi.

4.SWF Format(.swf files)mah tawh a kibawl/at heavy-duty movies(mel-muh-tong-san) et theih nading leh Game(om-maihna)nei nuam te a ding, Macromedia Shockwave Player kisam leuleu hi.

5.RAM Format(.ram files) tawh a kibawl laa(songs)tuamtuam ngaih theih nading Real Audio Player

6.Movies & Music tuamtuam ettheih/ngaihtheih nading,Windows Media Player kisam hi.Computer a tamzaw ah,om khin hi.A om nai lo Computer a zangh ten zong,hih web address ah ki download(la-suk)thei hi.

7.MP3 la(song)tuamtuam leh WAV Format(.wav files) music,nuam tak aa,ii ngaih theih nading Windows WinAmp kisam aa,hih pan ki download(la-suk)thei hi.

8.Internet or email ii et laitak,ii zat lo',a kisam lo web page tuamtuam ama thu(automatically) aa,ong dawkdawk thei hi.”Pop-up Killer” a kici Software pawl khat tawh kidal thei hi.

9.File agik mahmah pawlkhat email tawh i khak(attach file) nop ciang,ki ngah lo hi.Tua bang aa agik/agol File te Winzip a kici Software tawh a neu theithei ding in,kikhep(Compress) thei aa,i dieh hun in,ki phel/zal(Decompress) kik thei hi.Gttn:VCD/DVD/CD khui khat peuhpeuh(ei lak tawm te bek) email tawh i khak nop ciang,Winzip tawh neusak in,email tawh attach file pan,ki khak thei hi.(Kawl VCD te Computer tawh ki en ngam lo hi.)

Stero Speakers, Microphone and Webcam
(Om le lah hoih sem,a om kei hang pha mawh lo!)
Instant Messenger a hi(Gtalk,AIM,Msn etc) te tawh phone i zat mah bang in,a gamla a nai pan ki ho thei hi.I ki ho theih nang,Microphone ki sam hi.Video Chat program a ki-hel Yahoo Messenger,Skype, VZO Chat etc.. cih te tawh ki ho thei bek tham lo in,i mel na ngawn zong i-ki ho lai tak ki mu thei hi.Tua bang aa,i mel/mai I ki muh thei'h nang,Webcam a ki-ci,Web Camera ki sam hi.

Anti-spam software
(Om le lah hoih, a om kei hang pha mawh lo!)
“Spam” ih cih pen,i email sung ah,i lawm,i gual,khuapih tuipih cih te email pan hi lo in,koi pan cih ki thei lo aa,ong lutlut email te hi.A tam zaw pen,Advertisement(pu-lak-theih-sak hawm khiat-na) tuamtuam hi in,i deih kei hang,ong lutlut thei hi.Ki sam lo pi-in,i email inbox sung dim cip mang thei hi.Hih mail te ong lut lo'h nang in,Yahoo mail zangh ten “Option” pan bawl thei aa,Google mail/gmail zangh ten “Settings” pan bawl thei ding uh hi.Software ngiat aa,a ki zuak zong om hi.

(Om le lah hoih, a om kei hang pha mawh lo!)
Inn pan aa,Internet zom te a ding hi zaw hi.Kum cing nai lo,naupang ten,Internet a et uh ciang,lim hoih lo tuam tuam leh, a et huai lo Video(Mel-muh-tong-san)tuamtuam te a et thei'h lo'h nang' a kham ding Software hi.

(Om le lah hoih, a om kei hang pha mawh lo!)
Lai thupi tuamtuam lak khiat theih nading Printer kisam mahmah hi.Internet Cafe a tamzaw ah,Printer om hamtang a hih man in,gamsung aa Internet zangh te a ding in,ong senpi mahmah hi.

By Nicholas Pau

History of Internet

Leitung nuntakzia te ong khang to semsem in,mun tuamtuam ah,Computer leh Internet ong ki nak zat mahmah hi.Mun tuam,gam tuam,a gam la,a nai aa piang,thu cin,thu tang khempeuh,tha khat thu in(online),ki thei gai in,ki za gai pah hi.Tua ahih man in,leitung ih cih pen,GLOBALIZATION,khua no khat,a bang ong hi ta lel hi.

Kawlgam ah zong,2002 khit pawl aa ki pan,Cyber Café(Internet) tampi,mipi(Public)zat theih ding in,mihau sum bawl ten,ong hong ta uh hi.Tua hun lai in,Internet zat man zong,tam man lai a hih man in,mihau te bek mah in,zangh zo hi.Thu zong,ong thei zaw pah uh hi.Mi zawng te a ding in,a theih ngam huai lo thu khat in,ki tuat phial hi.Na hi het lo hi.Tu hun pen IT(Information Technology)hun a hih mah bang in,a kua mah khempeuh in,ih theih ding thupi mahmah hi.A diakdiak in Muizawl khangthak sung ah,IT Expert tampi ong piang khiat zawh na ding,kisam mahmah hi.

Tua a hih man in,tu-ni in,Internet tawh kisai,ong piankhiat na thu a tom in…..
Internet ih cih pen,leitung mun tuamtuam aa, Sumzonna(Business), Pilna(Education),Kumpi (Government), Gualnopna (Entertainment) ,Mihing kipawlna (Society), Thuthak (News).. etc… te tawh kisai thulehla kaih khop,hawm khiat na a hi,leitungbup lai mai khat hi.

Computer khat leh khat kizopna pen Network ki ci aa,kizop theih pilna pen(Networking) ki ci hi.Inn dei khat sung aa Computer tampi a kizopna pen LAN(Local Area Network)ki ci hi.

Tua bang in,a kizop theih tak ciang ,zum inn dei(Office Room) khat sung aa,Computer tampi ten, Printer(lai at sa te laidal tawh lak khiat theih na),Scanner(mann,lai,lim a om sa a hih bang lian aa,Computer sung ah guan kik na),Camera(lim lak na)cih te,ki zangh khawm thei hi.LAN..khat leh khat ong ki zop tak ciang in,ong tangzai semsem aa,WAN(Wide Area Network)ki ci leuleu hi.Network of Networks,Internet zong ki ci hi.

WAN,Internet pen 1969 in,USA gam aa,US. Defense Department te ARPANET project pan ong ki pan khia hi.ARPANET (Advaced Research Project Agency)ih cih pen Pentagon tawh kisai Research bawl te kipawl na khat hi.Computer kizopna(Network) tawh a kizom Computer khempeuh in,a zat theih gaih nading Centralized Control of Data Flow(mun khat pan,thu leh laa zek khiatna) pen,ARPANET te ngimna bulpi hi.

Damdam in,leitung mun tuamtuam aa om, kumpi (Government) leh sumzonna (Business) tuamtuam ten,Internet tung ah,thu leh laa ong khah khia uh hi.Pilna lam pan zong,sang(University)tampi ten,Intenet tung ah a theih huai thu te ong pulak in,mihing kipawlna tuamtuam ten zong,thuthak(News) tangko na in,ong nakzat mahmah uh hi.
Tu-hun-ciang in,a thei nuam khempeuh in,I theih nop thu khat peuhpeuh pen,Internet tung pan a baih tak in,ki mu thei ta hi.
Tu hun Sangnaupang ten,tampi tak hamphat lawh uh hi.Internet pen I zat siamna tungtawn in,pilna,hamphatna a ki ngah a hih man in,zat siam semsem,a ki hampha semsem ong suak hi.
Nuntak hamsat zia te,I ngaihsut khak tak ciang in,pilna lam bang mah ki lunggulh ngam taktak kha lo hi.,Khangthak mipil ding tampi zong,I sup lawh phial ta hi.Ngaih sun thei leng kha siat huai mahmah hi.Muizawl mimal sung ah zong,pilna lam a hanciam nuam mahmah khangno tampi om ding hi.Edison pen etteh huai mahmah hi.

Edison,Thomas Alava(1847-1931), February 11st 1847 in Milan,Ohio State,USA ah suak hi.Port Huron,Michigan ah sang kha 3 bekbek kah kha in,meileng tung ah Newspaper (kumpi nisim thu suahsak lai) zuak hi.A nuntak na hasa mahmah hi.A zawn mahmah hang in,lungkia ngeilo hi.Hanciam tawntung a hih man in,Electric van tawh kisai(Light Bulb,Generating System,Sound-Recording Device,Motion Picture Projector etc..)tam pi ong phuankhia zo hi.Tu dong ciang,leitung bup ah a etteh huai mipil mahmah khat in minthang lai hi.

Muizawl Momno lai ah,IT Expert paak bang ong palh in gua bang ong hing den ta hen.

By Nicholas Pau

Sunday, March 22, 2009


A person who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow becomes uneducated the day after.

One today is worth two tomorrow.

Never leave that till tomorrow which can do today.

Remember today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

Work as if you were to live a hundred year. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow..

Learn from yesterday ; live for today ; hope for tomorrow.

Light tomorrow with today.

To solve the problem of today ; we must focus on tomorrow.

Life is Easy if Not If

Life is Easy if Not If

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
Easy is to talk without thinking
Difficult is to refrain the tongue
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound...
Easy is to forgive others
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness
Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them...
Easy is to dream every night.
Difficult is to fight for a dream...
Easy is to show victory.
Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity...
Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult to see the other side...
Easy is to stumble with a stone.
Difficult is to get up...
Easy is to enjoy life every day.
Difficult to give its real value...
Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise...
Easy is to say we love.
Difficult is to show it every day...
Easy is to criticize others.
Difficult is to improve oneself...
Easy is to make mistakes.
Difficult is to learn from them...
Easy is to weep for a lost love.
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.
Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action...
Easy is to think bad of others
Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt...
Easy is to receive
Difficult is to give
Easy to read this
Difficult to follow
Easy is keep the friendship with words
Difficult is to keep it with meanings

Basic Computer Terminology

1.Access time- The performance of a hard drive or other storage device - how long it takes to locate a file.
2.Active program or window - The application or window at the front (foreground) on the monitor.
3.Alert (alert box) - a message that appears on screen, usually to tell you something went wrong.
4.Alias - an icon that points to a file, folder or application (System 7).
5.Apple menu - on the left side of the screen header. System 6 = desk accessories System 7 = up to 50 items.
6.Application - a program in which you do your work.
7.Application menu - on the right side of the screen header. Lists running applications.
8.ASCII (pronounced ask-key ) - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. a commonly used data format for exchanging information between computers or programs.
9.Background - part of the multitasking capability. A program can run and perform tasks in the background while another program is being used in the foreground.
10.Bit - the smallest piece of information used by the computer. Derived from "binary digit". In computer language, either a one (1) or a zero (0).
11.Backup - a copy of a file or disk you make for archiving purposes.
12.Boot - to start up a computer.
13.Bug - a programming error that causes a program to behave in an unexpected way.
14.Bus - an electronic pathway through which data is transmitted between components in a computer.
15.Byte - a piece of computer information made up of eight bits.
16.Card - a printed circuit board that adds some feature to a computer.
17.Cartridge drive - a storage device, like a hard drive, in which the medium is a cartridge that can be removed.
18.CD-ROM - an acronym for Compact Disc Read-Only Memory.
19.Chooser - A desk accessory used to select a printer, or other external device, or to log onto a network.
20.Clipboard - A portion of memory where the Mac temporarily stores information. Called a Copy Buffer in many PC applications because it is used to hold information which is to be moved, as in word processing where text is "cut" and then "pasted".
21.Clock Rate (MHz) - The instruction processing speed of a computer measured in millions of cycles per second (i.e., 200 MHz).
22.Command - the act of giving an instruction to your Mac either by menu choice or keystroke.
23.Command (apple) key - a modifier key, the Command key used in conjunction with another keystroke to active some function on the Mac.
24.Compiler - a program the converts programming code into a form that can be used by a computer.
25.Compression - a technique that reduces the size of a saved file by elimination or encoding redundancies (i.e., JPEG, MPEG, LZW, etc.)
26.Control key - seldom used modifier key on the Mac.
27.Control panel - a program that allows you to change settings in a program or change the way a Mac looks and/or behaves.
28.CPU - the Central Processing Unit. The processing chip that is the "brains" of a computer.
29.Crash - a system malfunction in which the computer stops working and has to be restarted.
30.Cursor - The pointer, usually arrow or cross shaped, which is controlled by the mouse.
31.Daisy chaining - the act of stringing devices together in a series (such as SCSI).
32.Database - an electronic list of information that can be sorted and/or searched.
33.Data - (the plural of datum) information processed by a computer.
34.Defragment - (also - optimize) to concatenate fragments of data into contiguous blocks in memory or on a hard drive.
35.Desktop - 1. the finder. 2. the shaded or colored backdrop of the screen.
36.Desktop file - an invisible file in which the Finder stores a database of information about files and icons.
37.Dialog box - an on-screen message box that appears when the Mac requires additional information before completing a command.
38.Digitize - to convert linear, or analog, data into digital data which can be used by the computer.
39.Disk - a spinning platter made of magnetic or optically etched material on which data can be stored.
40.Disk drive - the machinery that writes the data from a disk and/or writes data to a disk.
41.Disk window - the window that displays the contents or directory of a disk.
42.Document - a file you create, as opposed to the application which created it.
43.DOS - acronym for Disk Operating System - used in IBM PCs.
44.DPI - acronym for Dots Per Inch - a gauge of visual clarity on the printed page or on the computer screen.
45.Download - to transfer data from one computer to another. (If you are on the receiving end, you are downloading. If you are on the sending end, you are uploading ).
46.Drag - to move the mouse while its button is being depressed.
47.Drag and drop - a feature on the Mac which allows one to drag the icon for a document on top of the icon for an application, thereby launching the application and opening the document.
48.Driver - a file on a computer which tells it how to communicate with an add-on piece of equipment (like a printer).
49.Ethernet - a protocol for fast communication and file transfer across a network.
50.Expansion slot - a connector inside the computer which allows one to plug in a printed circuit board that provides new or enhanced features.
51.Extension - a startup program that runs when you start the Mac and then enhances its function.
52.fibre channel - as applied to data storage and network topology - link to FC Glossary.
53.File - the generic word for an application, document, control panel or other computer data.
54.Finder - The cornerstone or home-base application in the Mac environment. The finder regulates the file management functions of the Mac (copying, renaming, deleting...)
55.Floppy - a 3.5 inch square rigid disk which holds data. (so named for the earlier 5.25 and 8 inch disks that were flexible).
56.Folder - an electronic subdirectory which contains files.
57.Font - a typeface that contains the characters of an alphabet or some other letterforms.
58.Footprint - The surface area of a desk or table which is occupied by a piece of equipment.
59.Fragmentation - The breaking up of a file into many separate locations in memory or on a disk.
60.Freeze - a system error which causes the cursor to lock in place.
61.Get info - a Finder File menu command that presents an information window for a selected file icon.
62.Gig - a gigabyte = 1024 megabytes.
63.Hard drive - a large capacity storage device made of multiple disks housed in a rigid case.
64.Head crash - a hard disk crash caused by the heads coming in contact with the spinning disk(s).
65.High density disk - a 1.4 MB floppy disk.
66.Highlight - to select by clicking once on an icon or by highlighting text in a document.
67.Icon - a graphic symbol for an application, file or folder.
68.Initialize - to format a disk for use in the computer; creates a new directory and arranges the tracks for the recording of data.
69.Insertion point - in word processing, the short flashing marker which indicates where your next typing will begin.
70.Installer - software used to install a program on your hard drive.
71.Interrupt button - a tool used by programmers to enter the debugging mode. The button is usually next to the reset button.
72.K - short for kilobyte.
73.keyboard shortcut - a combination of keystrokes that performs some function otherwise found in a pulldown menu.
74.Kilobyte - 1024 bytes.
75.Landscape - in printing from a computer, to print sideways on the page.
76.Launch - start an application.
77.Measurements (summary) -
*a bit = one binary digit (1 or 0) *"bit" is derived from the contraction b'it (binary digit) -> 8 bits = one byte
*1024 bytes = one kilobyte
*K = kilobyte
*Kb = kilobit
*MB = megabyte
*Mb = megabit
*MB/s = megabytes per second
*Mb/s = megabits per second
*bps = bits per second
i.e., 155 Mb/s = 19.38 MB/s
78.MB - short for megabyte.
79.Megabyte - 1024 kilobytes.
80.Memory - the temporary holding area where data is stored while it is being used or changed; the amount of RAM a computer has installed.
81.enu - a list of program commands listed by topic.
82.Menu bar - the horizontal bar across the top of the Mac¹s screen that lists the menus.
83.Multi finder - a component of System 6 that allows the Mac to multi task.
84.Multi tasking - running more than one application in memory at the same time.
85.Nanosecond - one billionth of a second. ( or, the time between the theatrical release of a Dudley Moore film and the moment it begins to play on airplanes).
86.Native mode - using the computers original operating system; most commonly used when talking about the PowerPC can run software written for either the 80x0 systems, or the PowerPC¹s RISC code.
87.NuBus - expansion slots on the Mac which accept intelligent, self-configuring boards. NuBus is a different bus achitecture than the newer PCI bus and the boards are not interchangable.
88.Operating system - the system software that controls the computer.
89.Optical disk - a high-capacity storage medium that is read by a laser light.
90.Palette - a small floating window that contains tools used in a given application.
91.Partition - a subdivision of a hard drives surface that is defined and used as a separate drive.
92.paste - to insert text, or other material, from the clipboard or copy buffer.
93.PC - acronym for personal computer, commonly used to refer to an IBM or IBM clone computer which uses DOS.
94.PCI - acronym for Peripheral Component Interchange - the newer, faster bus achitecture.
95.Peripheral - an add-on component to your computer.
96.Point - (1/72") 12 points = one pica in printing.
97.Pop-up menu - any menu that does not appear at the top of the screen in the menu bar. (may pop up or down)
98.port - a connection socket, or jack on the Mac.
99.Power PC - a processing chip designed by Apple, IBM and Motorola (RISC based).
100.Power Mac - a family of Macs built around the PowerPC chip.
101.Print spooler - a program that stores documents to be printed on the hard drive, thereby freeing the memory up and allowing other functions to be performed while printing goes on in the background.
102.QuickTime - the Apple system extension that gives one the ability to compress, edit and play animation, movies and sound on the Mac.
103.RAM - acronym for Random-Access Memory.
104.Reset switch - a switch on the Mac that restarts the computer in the event of a crash or freeze.
105.Resize box - the small square at the lower right corner of a window which, when dragged, resizes the window.
106.RISC - acronym for Reduced Instruction Set Computing; the smaller set of commands used by the PowerPC and Power Mac.
107.ROM - acronym for Read Only Memory; memory that can only be read from and not written to.
108.Root directory - the main hard drive window.
109.Save - to write a file onto a disk.
110.Save as - (a File menu item) to save a previously saved file in a new location and/or with a new name.
111.Scroll - to shift the contents of a window to bring hidden items into view.
112.Scroll bar - a bar at the bottom or right side of a window that contains the scroll box and allows scrolling.
113.Scroll box - the box in a scroll bar that is used to navigate through a window.
114.SCSI - acronym for Small Computer System Interface.
115.SCSI address - a number between zero and seven that must be unique to each device in a SCSI chain. Fast and Wide SCSI devices will allow up to 15 SCSI Ids (hexidecimal); however, the length restriction (3 meters) is such that it is virtually impossible to link 15 devices together.
116.SCSI port - a 25 pin connector on the back of a Mac (native SCSI port); used to connect SCSI devices to the CPU. Some SCSI cards (like the ATTO) have a 68 pin connector.
117.SCSI terminator - a device placed at the end of a SCSI chain to complete the circuit. (some SCSI devices are self-terminating, or have active termination and do not require this plug).
118.Serial port - a port that allows data to be transmitted in a series (one after the other), such as the printer and modem ports on a Mac.
119.Server - a central computer dedicated to sending and receiving data from other computers (on a network).
120.Shut down - the command from the Special menu that shuts down the Mac safely.
121.Software - files on disk that contain instructions for a computer.
122.Spreadsheet - a program designed to look like an electronic ledger.
123.Start up disk - the disk containing system software and is designated to be used to start the computer.
124.Surge suppressor - a power strip that has circuits designed to reduce the effects of surge in electrical power. (not the same as a UPS)
125.System file - a file in the System folder that allows your Mac to start and run.
126.System folder - an all-important folder that contains at least the System file and the Finder.
127.32 bit addressing - a feature that allows the Mac to recognize and use more than 8MB of memory.
128.Title bar - the horizontal bar at the top of a window which has the name of the file or folder it represents.
129.Upload - to send a file from one computer to another through a network.
130.Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS)- a constantly charging battery pack which powers the computer. A UPS should have enough charge to power your computer for several minutes in the event of a total power failure, giving you time to save your work and safely shut down.
131.UPS - acronym for Uninterruptible Power Source.
132.Vaporware - "software" advertised, and sometimes sold, that does not yet exist in a releasable for.
133.Virtual memory - using part of your hard drive as though it were "RAM".
134.WORM - acronym for Write Once-Read Many; an optical disk that can only be written to once (like a CD-ROM).
135.Zoom box - a small square in the upper right corner of a window which, when clicked, will expand the window to fill the whole screen.